How to Plan with the Moon Cycle to Get Better Results

Conscious Planning Method for Productivity & Success

Maja Savic


It all started a few years ago when I discovered the Moon rituals. I set the mood on every New and Full Moon, meditate, write down my intentions and finally burn the pieces of paper with my intentions, to let it go. At first it was my personal practice, then I created worksheets to share with my community, and finally I shared this sacred experience with my women’s circle here in Paris.

The fact is, as women we can relate to the Lunar cycle, as we follow our own personal cycle from beginning to end. I decided to take this further and plan my whole schedule around the Lunar cycle. It has been so useful to me for all these years, that it just made sense to plan accordingly and harvest the beautiful energy of the Moon.

How do we plan with the Moon?

The key is to understand each stage of the Moon and what it represents and then plan our activities accordingly. I personally focus on the New Moon and Full Moon, to keep things simple.

First I start by researching ahead and getting all the dates down.


Then in my journal, I mark every New and Full Moon in the whole year and plan all of my activities with regards to that.

I also add in my calendar periods when Mercury is retrograde, as that can affect my activities and mess up plans. I like to be prepared and plan ahead, to avoid any mishaps.

Photo by Fotografierende from Unsplash


New Moon brings us new beginnings, as it’s the beginning of the cycle, so I like to start new projects at this time, make decisions, plan a launch, start my courses,…well things you can actually plan ahead!

It’s a good time to take action and set things in motion, even if it’s just an inspired idea that pops into your head. Whatever you create on the New Moon you could



Maja Savic

Holistic Coach & Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Vocalist and Motivational Speaker based in Paris.